About Our Team

Message From Our Team Leader​

Because advertising and marketing is an art, the solution to each new challenge should begin with a blank canvas and an open mind, not nervous borrowings of other people’s mediocrities precisely modern.

All business is basically about customers and marketing and making capitalism and winning and promoting it and having something.

Binoy Ray

Team Leader, BacBon Digital Business

Rest Of The Team

Don't settle: Don't finish copy books. If you don't like the menu, leave the restuarant. If you're not on the right path,get off it.

Binony Ray

Binony Ray

Team Leader, Digital Marketing

Shakir Mamun

Shakir Mamun

Manager, Digital Marketing

Md Hashem Ali

Md Hashem Ali

Sr. Graphic Designer

Akbor Hossain Zihad

Akbor Hossain Zihad

Sr. Officer, Digital Business

Md Billal Hossain Gazi

Md Billal Hossain Gazi

Sr. Officer, Digital Marketing

Faruk Patwary

Faruk Patwary

Data Collector, Digital Business

BacBon Digital Marketing: Your Gateway to Digital Excellence! Unleashing the Power of Comprehensive Digital Marketing Solutions and Strategic Business Initiatives for a Flourishing Online Presence and Sustainable Digital Success.

BacBon Marketing: Shaping Futures, Connecting Worlds – Your Ultimate Partner for Holistic Digital Triumph!